Welcome to the

Roseau River Watershed District

It is the intention of the Board of Managers to manage
the waters and related resources within the Roseau River Watershed District in a reasonable and
orderly manner which will improve the general welfare and public health of the residents of the District.

Learn More

MN Buffer Law

Minnesota's Buffer Law requires perennial vegetative buffers of up to 50 feet along lakes, rivers, and streams and buffers of 16.5 feet along ditches. These buffers help filter out phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment. The deadline for implementation for buffers on public waters was November 1, 2017. The deadline for public ditches was November 1, 2018. The law provides flexibility for landowners to install alternative practices with equivalent water quality benefits that are based on the Natural Resources Conservation Service Field Office Technical Guide.

Buffer Map: MnDNR

BWSR: Buffer & Soil Loss

RRWD Buffer Rule

Roseau Lake Rehabilitation Project

The Roseau Lake Rehabilitation project is a Natural Resource Enhancement (NRE) / Flood Damage Reduction (FDR) water management project located about 6 miles northwest of the City of Roseau. This is a joint project of the Roseau River Watershed District (RRWD) and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) with the purpose of improving habitat conditions in the Roseau Lake and the Roseau River and to manage the available storage capacity of the lake basin to reduce flood damages near and downstream of the lake basin.


The Roseau River Wildlife Management (RRWMA) is located in northwestern Minnesota along the Canadian Border.This wildlife impoundment was constructed in 1952 &1953. The stated purpose of the project was wildlife enhancement and flood control. The RRWMA project was modified in the late 1980's to extend its life and to increase its floodcontrol benefits. This impoundment has provided many years of flood control benefits to the area, but over the years of operations it has become evident that having the ability to transfer water between the pools to aid in flood control is beneficial. Experience has also been shown that begin able to dischargelarge volumes of water, from theimpoundment,before the Roseau River flood reaches this area, would decrease flood damage downstream on the Roseau River and Two Rivers.

Engineer's Reports

Project Partners

Clean Water Fund Logo

One Watershed One Plan

Minnesota's Buffer Law requires perennial vegetative buffers of up to 50 feet along lakes, rivers, and streams and buffers of 16.5 feet along ditches. These buffers help filter out phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment. The deadline for implementation for buffers on public waters was November 1, 2017. The deadline for public ditches was November 1, 2018. The law provides flexibility for landowners to install alternative practices with equivalent water quality benefits that are based on the Natural Resources Conservation Service Field Office Technical Guide.

Buffer Map: MnDNR

BWSR: Buffer & Soil Loss

RRWD Buffer Rule