Description and Location
The project area includes the lower portion of the Hay Creek watershed and adjacent 37 square mile Norland sub-basin. Hay Creek drains into the Roseau River immediately downstream from the City of Roseau. The project includes three features: 7-mile corridor restoration and floodway enclosed by setback levees, an off-channel impoundment site, and a connection channel. This site provides a total of at least 9,500 acre-feet of gated and un-gated runoff storage.
Flood Control
- 50% reduction in the 10-yr & a 30% reduction in the 100-yr discharges from Hay Creek/Norland drainage area.
- Reducing backwater and flood durations in the City of Roseau.
- Reduce flooding to 13,300 acres of ag land, 24 miles of roads, 131 miles of ditches, and 27 culverts and bridges.
Habitat Restoration
- Stream flow augmentation
- improved dissolved oxygen levels
- enhanced fish habitat
- riparian buffer corridor
- Wetland restorations
Erosion Reduction
- Reduction in bank erosion on downstream ditches and the Roseau River..
Project Partners
- Red River Watershed Management Board
- State of MN Flood Damage Reduction Program