Project Purpose
The Roseau River is within the Red River Basin in northwestern Minnesota and southeastern Manitoba encompassing a drainage area of about 2,057 square miles. The proposed restoration reach lies largely within the DNR Wildlife Management Area in Roseau County, MN. This reach of the river was channelized by the construction of State Ditch 51 which reduced the length of the river, increased its slope and caused the river to be disconnected from its floodplain. Historic oxbows remain intact, harbor diverse fish communities and provide habitat for spawning and foraging when accessible during periods of high water. The restoration project will rehabilitate and reconnect the historic river channel and reestablish the natural channel profile and floodplain allowing a sustainable channel to meander over time as well as reconnect critical fish habitat to the main channel
Project Goals
- Reconnect historic river channel
- Reestablish natural channel and flood plain
- Reconnect oxbows to provide cruicial spawing and foraging habitat for fish
- Increase the amount of large iver habitat within the watershed
- Restore riparian habitat
- Improve bank stability
- Reduce sedimentation within the channel
- Improve water quality
Project Status
Work is continuing on hydraulic and hydrologic modeling and design. The RRWD is also working on stakeholder involvement by holding Project Team meetings. The environmental review and permitting process will begin in 2022.
Project Schedule

In 2020 the RRWD received $3.036 Million from the Outdoor Heritage Fund through the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council. Other funding options may include the Minnesota Clean Water Fund, Red River WMB, Polaris, MnDNR, FWS, BWSR, and RRWD. The total estimated cost is $7.2 Million.